Saturday, 7 March 2020

Talk and Text

'Talk and Text' !!

What do you get in mind when you hear these powerful Ts - "Talk" and "Text".
Yes, its our all time favourite  -Phone.

In recent years, we are tend to find more happiness talking over the phone rather than talking face to face or joy of texting on phone than not talking at all.

India and many other countries like USA, singapore , South korea, Canada etc are texting more than talking.

Research also shows that texting is five times more than talking..
US spends almost 20minutes per day in texting and barely 2-5minutes talking.
They have this "Talk and Text" app too introduced.

Texting put us at ease and it is comfortable than talking. So most of us prefer texting.
Texting is dominating over talking.

Either you talk or text , your expressions or emotions mean a lot.

And if anyone on the earth who is born with multiple facial expressions are 'we humans'.
But the emoticons have taken the place all over.

Lets see how strong these Emoticons play the role alone or along the text.

When someone texts you..
How are you and you reply 'I am Good.

It is simply just
"I am Good"
I  am Good🙂
I  am Good😎
I  am Good🙄
I  am Good😀
I  am Good😠
I  am Good😭
I  am Good😑

The Text is same but expressions are different ..
The Emoticons which are connected to the text hold power!!
Each one of them gives different sense and meaning. It depends on the persons mood and state.

Have you realised that phones have taken away the beauty of greeting each other face to face. Those emoticons have killed the beauty of natural expressions.
But yes , I appreciate the fact that phones are the ones who keeps us in touch when the person is away and it is useful in many other ways too.

Who knew there would come one day where your wanted to laugh out loud and when the signals are sent to the brain and then those Lol emoticon 😁😁pops out on your forehead , where you even without letting your mouth open wide.
And there you go, technology wins because you did not let your jaw muscles do that thing and you saved the energy.
I feel like I quit using technology at this point.

I am not against the technology and its use but i fear for the dangerous outcomes it has for us.
Albert Einstein once said, "I fear the day technology will surpass our human interaction.
The world will have a generation of Idiots.

We are so attached to the phone so that our heartbeats and phone notifications go hand-in-hand.
Both must be equally active in order to keep ourselves alive.

Many of us are dealing with phone virus like coronavirus, once infected cant help it out.
Both Coronavirus and Phone Virus put your life at risk.
One might take away your life, the other will take away your time or vice-versa.

The most powerful pair words in the world are:

Life and death!!

Life and death are natural, But, are not in our hands .
In between we play a major role.

The beautiful Smile,  those wonderful expressions,  which are also natural but are in our hands, so let us not destroy them.
Let us use them in a nice way and creat a beautiful Life of our own.

Also lets Talk and text something Good, positive, worthy and valued.
Let our Talk and Text add value to our life and to others.


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